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Shopping process
For searching products and catalogues on myhome.hu it is not necessary to register
Registration is compulsory, just in case when you would like to buy a product what is delivered by in-home delivery. The registration is important because in case of these products you have to pay 50% deposit, you can trace your order after click on SIGN IN and you can also see your dues.
When you would like to shop/order one of our products you have to click on Cart button. The product goes to the cart automatically. In case when you would like to search for more products you can keep shopping.
The cart is accessible by clicking the cart pictogram on the header menu.
You can amend the cart item quantity and you can even delete it if you would. The cart items can be deleted by click the “remove” button under the price. To be able to continue the surfing on the web shop, please click on KEEP SHOPPING button.
To finalize the shopping, please click on CHECKOUT button.
There are 4 steps to give the necessary details:
- Delivery information ( Delivery address and name)
- Billing information ( Billing address and name)
- Payment
- Order summary
When you find everything in order at step 4, please accept the General Terms of Conditions and please put a tick next to the sentence, I will check the packaging at delivery. For finalizing the order please click on ORDER.
In-home delivery/ Express shipping/ Gift card product groups distinction
Three groups of products:
The larger higher value products are delivered by in-home delivery service by removal man; we dedicate it on the product site by in-home deliverymark. We do not keep these kinds of products on stock, because of the wide colour and form variety. In case of order such kind of product, you suppose to pay 50% deposit. Some of the products are produced for especially tailored made for the customer, these products are marked "For production" on the product page. "For production" products the return policy is not applicable!
The smaller, lower value products are delivered by EXPRESS SHIPPINGservice by carrier; we dedicate it on the product site by Express SHIPPINGmark. In case of express shipping, some of the products are on stock or the producer has it in its warehouse, so we can deliver it by express shipping company with. It is not necessary to pay deposit and the customer can return the goods, according to return policy.
Gift cards are available in several denominations. You can purchase more at the same time and put in the cart. For purchasing one product you can honour more GIFT CARDs. The honour of gift cards can be done at step 3. of shopping process, you can choose the payment type. The gift card can be used several times until the balance decrease to 0Ft. Gift card cannot be re-exchanged. Further information about expiration, balance can be got via e-mail or phone.
Products can be taken over at our logistic warehouse, in this case we do not charge delivery cost. Gift cards are delivered exclusively via e-mail.
Payment infos
Just GIFT CARD(s) are in the cart:
- online bank card payment (our online paying partner is Budapest Bank, which works with First Data)
- bank transfer
Just express shipping products are in the cart:
- online bank card payment (our online paying partner is Budapest Bank, which works with First Data)
- bank transfer
- cash on delivery
Just IN_HOME DELIVERY products are in the cart:
- 50% deposit and delivery cost payment by online bank card payment + 50% bank card payment, when the goods arrived to our warehouse
- 50% deposit and delivery cost payment by bank transfer + 50% bank transfer payment, when the goods arrived to our warehouse
- 50% deposit and delivery cost pay toBudapest Bank account + 50% cash on delivery to the carrier or in the warehouse
- 50% deposit and delivery cost online bank card payment + 50% cash on delivery to the carrier or in the warehouse
- 50% deposit and delivery cost payment by bank transfer + 50% cash on delivery to the carrier or in the warehouse
In case of GIFT CARD and/or EXPRESS SHIPPING and/or IN HOME DELIVERY are in the cart at the same time:
- IN HOME DELIVERY 50% deposit, express shipping/gift card 100%-delivery cost by online bank card payment + express shipping 50% online bank card payment when the goods arrived to our warehouse.
- IN HOME DELIVERY 50% deposit, and express shipping/gift card 100% and the delivery cost by bank transfer + IN HOME DELIVERY 50% by bank transfer, when the goods arrived to our warehouse.
- IN HOME DELIVERY 50% deposit, express shipping/gift card 100% and the delivery cost pay toBudapest Bank account + express shipping 50% cash on delivery to the carrier or in the warehouse
- IN HOME DELIVERY 50% deposit and express shipping/gift card 100%-delivery cost by online bank card payment + IN HOME DELIVERY 50%cash on delivery to the carrier or in the warehouse
- IN HOME DELIVERY 50% deposit and express shipping/gift card 100% and the delivery cost by bank transfer + IN HOME DELIVERY 50% cash on delivery to the carrier or in the warehouse
When you are placing an order GIFT CARD and/or EXPRESS SHIPPING and/or IN HOME DELIVERY products at the same time, the websop’s system separate the orders in to groups and fix it on different order numbers. In case when there is IN HOME deliveryproduct(s), EXPRESS SHIPPING product(s) and GIFT CARD at the same time in the cart, you have to pay the IN HOME DELIVERY products deposit, the EXPRESS SHIPPING whole amount, the delivery cost and the GIFT CARD at the same time.
The webshop send an electronic invoice of shopping or order via e-mail.
When you order GIFT CARD and/or EXPRESS SHIPPING and/or IN HOME DELIVERY at the same time the invoice is made of separate according to the three groups.
When you order GIFT CARD and/or EXPRESS SHIPPING at the same time the system send you via e-mail 1 invoice.
When you order IN HOME DELIVERY products two invoices are sent by the system: 1 pcs. proforma invoice of 50% payment+ delivery cost, and 1 pcs invoice, when goods are delivered.
Order confirmation
When the order arrives in our system, the system send an automatic email, to inform the customer about the order arrived in our system and we fixed it.
An order becomes accepted from the web shop point of view, when our colleagues controlled it, and send a confirmation in a written form e-mail. In some cases if it is necessary our colleagues contact you on phone to confirm the order.